White Ribbon Day 2023
White Ribbon Day 2023


Saturday the 25th of November marks International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls, also known as White Ribbon Day, an annual day to highlight the violence and abuse which women and girls still face far, far too often, whether that’s at home or in the community.

“Earlier this week, I attended the annual White Ribbon candlelit vigil at the Senedd, organised by my colleague Joyce Watson MS in partnership with The WI (National Federation of Women’s Institutes) and attended by Jane Hutt MS on behalf of the Welsh Government.


White Ribbon Day provides an opportunity to both individually and collectively pledge to never commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against women.”

White Ribbon UK are encouraging individuals and organisations to make consistent choices and actions to #ChangeTheStory for women and girls, so that they may live their lives free from the fear of violence. Enough is enough.


At the Senedd candlelit vigil
At the Senedd candlelit vigil
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