Our Home, Our Health Survey
As your Member of the Senedd, it’s always been important to me to make sure communities across the constituency have their voices heard – whether that’s through my Democracy in Action Day and work with schools, carrying out local surveys or hosting stalls in town centres.
Our NHS is something which touches all our lives and matters so much to us but has faced challenges over the years with 14 years of austerity impacting public services – not least in our corner of the country. There’s no doubt that change is needed, and the Welsh Government has committed additional funding but further change needs to be done in partnership with those who provide the services and those of us who use them. I will be engaging with the workforce, community organisations and individuals, listening to people’s experiences and seeking suggestions for change. Please complete the survey on the rest of this leaflet and return it to my Constituency Office – you can also complete the survey online.
Fel eich Aelod o’r Senedd, mae wedi bod yn bwysig i mi erioed i sicrhau bod lleisiau cymunedau ar draws yr etholaeth yn cael eu clywed, boed hynny drwy fy Niwrnod Democratiaeth ar Waith a fy ngwaith gydag ysgolion, drwy gynnal arolygon lleol neu drwy gynnal stondinau yng nghanol trefi.
Mae ein GIG yn sefydliad sy’n cyffwrdd â’n bywydau ni i gyd ac sydd mor bwysig i ni, ond mae wedi wynebu heriau dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf yn sgil 14 mlynedd o lymder sy’n effeithio ar wasanaethau cyhoeddus, yn enwedig yn ein rhan ni o’r wlad. Nid oes amheuaeth bod angen newid, ac mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo cyllid ychwanegol, ond mae angen gwneud newid pellach mewn partneriaeth â’r rhai sy’n darparu’r gwasanaethau a’r rhai ohonom sy’n eu defnyddio. Byddaf yn ymgysylltu â’r gweithlu, sefydliadau cymunedol ac unigolion, yn gwrando ar brofiadau pobl ac yn gofyn am awgrymiadau ar gyfer newid. Llenwch yr arolwg ar weddill y daflen hon a’i ddychwelyd i’m swyddfa etholaeth, a gallwch hefyd lenwi’r arolwg ar-lein.
Our Home, Our Health Survey / Ein Cartref, Ein Harolwg Iechyd
If you are unable to complete the survey online, please send your response to my constituency office (52 High Street, Mold CH7 1BH).
Os na allwch gwblhau’r arolwg ar-lein, anfonwch eich ymateb i swyddfa fy etholaeth (52 Stryd Fawr, Yr Wyddgrug CH7 1BH).