Although Easter weekend has just passed and the school holidays are still in full flow, it’s worth reminding readers that there is still time to check eligibility for support from the Welsh Government’s School Essentials Grant. This grant is to help with costs, such as school uniform, shoes, bags, sports kit and equipment. Applications can be made online at www.gov.wales/get-help-school-costs, and applications for this academic year will close on Friday 31st May. In addition, it is possible to apply every year for each child and pupils from all kinds of education settings are eligible as long as they are aged 5-16.
Andy Dunbobbin is seeking re-election as our Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales. I’ve known Andy for a number of years – we’re from the same community and I know that he is very much rooted in the communities he serves. Over the last three years, during Andy’s first term in office, we have worked together to support people and places – from attending residents meetings to holding joint surgeries providing help and advice, and events such as Pride & Progress or White Ribbon Day – to bring an end to violence against women and girls. Over the next few weeks leading up to the election, I will be playing my part to help re-elect Andy as our Welsh Labour & Cooperative Party candidate for the North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner.
On the subject of elections, it’s worth reminding people that the UK Government has brought in a new law that requires people to show ID prior to voting at their local polling station – this applies to all elections that the UK Government are responsible for, including this May’s Police and Crime Commissioner elections. Accepted ID includes, a passport or driving license but also the 60 and Over Welsh Concessionary Travel Card. Alternatively, it is possible to apply for a postal vote – you don’t need a specific reason – and the deadline to do this for the May 2nd election is 17th April.
Finally, over the last few weeks I have been reaching out to local businesses and companies across the constituency to see if they can offer work experience opportunities for 14 to 16 year-olds. With year 10 and year 11 students approaching their GCSEs and other qualifications, many will start to look ahead to what they want their career to be, others will want to start a part time job during their studies. This work follows on from the Democracy in Action Day that I hosted in autumn last year for secondary schools from across Flintshire – young people on the day raised access to decent work experience opportunities as something that they thought there could be more of. It’s really important for young people to have the best start when entering the world of work, that’s why I am looking for companies and businesses to offer quality work experience for young people. If you are or know a business where you could provide some work experience, please get in touch with my office.
As always, if you would like advice and/or support, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on any of the following contact details – 52 High Street, Mold, Flintshire, on 01352 753464 or by email hannah.blythyn@senedd.wales. You can also keep up to date via my Facebook page – www.facebook.com/HannahBlythynForDelyn. Constituents are, of course, welcome to contact my office to arrange an appointment to see me, you don’t need to wait until an advice surgery.