I’d like to start this week’s column by wishing readers a very happy New Year and all the best for 2025 – I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and I’d especially like to extend my thanks to all the people who worked over the Christmas period to keep us safe and well, from staff in hospitals and other emergency services, to the posties and couriers and to those who worked hard to help our communities affected by the flooding issues before the break.
Whilst I am in no doubt that there remain challenges on the road ahead, I am clear that I will continue to advocate and work hard for our people and places, this year and every year I am privileged to be able to do so. As a new year begins, I’ve been reflecting on the past year and I thought I’d share a few of my highlights from 2024…
Christmas Cheer boxes: Every Christmas since the pandemic I’ve organised festive treat boxes for families in Flintshire, with support from local businesses and community groups, and this year we reached more than 200 families.
On the ground: From street surgeries in Mostyn and Northop to chats over tea in Flint and Mold, I’m always out and about listening to residents and tackling local issues.
Debating for change: My Senedd debate last year focused on how devolution can work better for Wales’ workers – from fair wages to community wealth building.
Flint Pride & LGBTQ+ equality: Being part of the first Flint Pride was a proud moment. It reflects our progress towards making Wales the most LGBTQ+ friendly nation in Europe.
‘Our Home, Our Health’ survey: I spent the last few months of 2024 getting local residents’ take on their experiences of the NHS as well as gathering suggestions for change. The early part of 2025 will see me present the findings to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care as well as BCUHB and, of course, taking up the issues and ideas raised.
Supporting community groups: I hosted a successful funding fair in partnership with Flintshire Local Voluntary Council in Mold which involved a dozen different organisations and saw more than 150 people sign up.
Talking transport: Better connecting our communities is something important to me and to Flintshire residents. In the autumn, I organised a successful Public Transport Forum in Flint Town Hall, bringing together rail and bus operatives alongside trade union representatives and others.
My new role: As Chair of the Standards of Conduct Committee, I’m committed to raising the bar for integrity in the Senedd.
Empowering young people: Through school visits and my annual Democracy in Action Day, I’m committed to helping young people to find their political voices.
Trade union solidarity: Supporting striking workers in Wrexham against fire-and-rehire practices reminds us why strong trade unions matter and I will continue to work closely with our trade union movement on a range of issues and campaigns.
As the weather has got colder and we’re very much in the grip of very wintery weather, Dŵr Cymru has issued some advice on how best to avoid problems in the icy conditions, as well as offering free lagging kits to protect your pipes in the cold weather – you can find a booklet of tips and information at dwrcymru.com/winterready. Older and more vulnerable people can really suffer during the cold weather, so I urge all residents to check up on vulnerable neighbours in the cold snap to make sure they’re okay and keeping warm and healthy.
As always, if you would like advice and/or support, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on any of the following contact details – 52 High Street, Mold, Flintshire, on 01352 753464 or by email hannah.blythyn@senedd.wales. You can also keep up to date via my Facebook page – www.facebook.com/HannahBlythynForDelyn. Constituents are, of course, welcome to contact my office to arrange an appointment to see me, you don’t need to wait for an advice surgery.